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We race. We party. We dig. | Race Face x NSMBA Fiver

WE race we dig we party raceface NSMBA fiver

This summer, Race Face once again had the pleasure of joining forces with the North Shore Mountain Bike Association (NSMBA) to host an evening of the Fiver community race series. Alongside event partner Steed Cycles, the team of volunteers at RF rallied to marshal the racecourse, set up a killer after party and even got some hot laps in. The following week, the RF Trail Trust team returned to the woods of Mount Seymour to support a NSMBA dig day on the same trails we raced on.


One of Race Face’s longstanding values is to reinforce the mountain bike community. We're not here to simply write a cheque, we want to get our hands in the dirt, pour some beers and support those that help keep mountain biking trucking along on Vancouver’s North Shore. This means shoulder to shoulder with the people who volunteer countless hours for trail work and tirelessly lobby to maintain trail access at local council meetings. 

We dig RaceFace NSMBA

Race Face wants to help build an inclusive mountain bike community for all. Stepping up to host a NSMBA Fiver race and dig day is just the beginning. It’s not all beer and burgers, skids and jumps, logos and swag... It’s celebrating everything that makes mountain biking, mountain biking. 


A huge thanks to our team for bringing that Shore Corps energy, and to our community for supporting all the work and events put together by the NSMBA. 

See you on the trails!

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